We Were Here Too

Patch V.21022018

Hi everyone!

I’ve got some new patch notes for you here, this also includes the issues we have fixed in the hotfix from last week.

Patch notes V.21022018– February 21th 2018


  • We have changed some of our start up parameters to avoid resolution issues.
  • Added the possibilty to rebind the movement keys (keyboard only).
  • Updated some more names in the credits.
  • Fixed save game related crashes.


  • Fixed some issues while navigating the menus with a gamepad.
  • The pawn on the battleboard no longer loses focus after completing a stage.
  • Gamepad rebinding should now work as intended. (Revert to default will show the buttons again).


  • Dying and respawning with all secret levers pulled will now work correctly.

Save Game

  • Moved the Config.cfg to a public folder to avoid permission issues.

The file can now be found in the following location.
Windows: %userprofile%AppDataLocalLowTotal Mayhem GamesWe Were Here TooConfig
OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Total Mayhem Games/We Were Here Too/Config
Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/unity3d/Total Mayhem Games/We Were Here Too/Config
Expect the old folder/file to be removed in a future update.

Video Issue

We’ve been trying to reproduce the issue on our systems without luck, however we have made some changes to the code based on the videos and reports we have collected on the forums. Please let us know if the issue has been resolved.

If you are still experiencing any issues i encourage you to join the discussions here on steam!

Thanks again for all of your feedback.